One-on-One Coaching

custom tailored to your exact business goals

i'm so interested!

No, seriously... Idk about you, but everyone seems to be jumping on the same trends, using the same hooks, and following the same tactics. But being the same isn't my goal, and it shouldn't be yours either. How about we do things a little different & actually create systems that feel right & work in favor of your business vs. everyone elses?

What if you didn't have to do what everyone in your industry is doing?

Clarity + Direction = Sustainable Results

Does this sound like you?

Okay so you're resonating with everything I've said so far a little too much. You're tired of seeing those cliche "how I make 5 figures a month" reels just to check the caption & see that its full of general crap that doesn't seem realistic or helpful. Or you feel like you are doing everything right, but you're STILL not seeing any traction...

You know there is a solution out there, but haven't found the right fit yet that aligns with your values. You may have invested in education before, but didn't feel like it was exactly what you were looking for.

You are READY to invest in an experience that invests back into your business.

You tell me your business goals & I create a custom curriculum tailored to each and every one of them. It's time to invest in education that invests BACK INTO your business.

That's exactly why I am here, to show you the light at the end of the struggle tunnel

Imagine a life where you experience...

→ Knowing exactly what next steps to take to reach your goals

→ Minimize your unwanted daily stressors that weigh you down

→ Having a personal guide to push you through the mental blocks

I offer 2 different types of 1:1 coaching experieces

3 Month Curriculum Programs

One Time Coaching Calls

This program is for you if you need structure and ongoing support to achieve your business goals. My coaching programs are 1:1 only, so you get my full attention & support throughout the entire 3 months!

This option is perfect if you need targeted help with specific topics. My one-time mentor calls are ideal for those who want to focus on particular areas. There's no limit on how many calls you can book, but they're here as you need them!

get more deets!

view packages!

Well, to be honest with you, I do things a little differently, so here's the exact breakdown of how I approach coaching all of my 1:1 clients!

So what do the 3 month custom curriculum program look like?


I am a firm believer that business growth is NOT one size fits all, therefore your business growth strategy needs to be approached & treated like a snowflake because baby there ain't nothing else out there like it in this world!

This is where we will chat all about what's been working for you, what you're struggling with, and most importantly -- where you wanna go!

Step 1: Inquire & let's have a virtual coffee date while you fill me in on all your goals for your business!

After we had our virtual introductory coffee date, I will put together a PDF of 3 coaching package options for you to choose from that include a set plan of action for what we will do to get you from where you're at now to where you want to go based on what we talked about!!

Each package will range from the amount of hours of monthly coaching & deliverables so you can choose what works best for your schedule!

Step 2: I will put together 3 different 1:1 coaching packages tailored to your exact goals!

Your curriculum will consist of exactly what we will go over on each of your 1:1 coaching calls. 7 days before your coaching start date we will have what I like to call your "Syllabus Day" where we will go over what the next 3 months of our time working together will entail!

The amount of coaching calls you have will depend on the package you book, but no matter how many you receive each month, you will get a custom Syllabus tailored to your package!

Step 3: Secure your coaching spot & receive your 3 month curriculum mapped out to be your GPS!

Your 1:1 Zoom calls are for learning. This is the first half of your coaching program! The duration of each call will vary based on which package you book, but on average they range from 1.5 to 3 hours long! My 1:1 calls with you are more hands on where I show you how to implement things in your business & provide you with visuals so its easy to digest!

After each call, I immediately upload it into your personal Google Drive folder so you can watch them back if you need for later on!

Step 4: Time to learn! We will meet via Zoom where I will coach you 1:1 based on your Syllabus curriculum

I don't just coach you then throw up the deuces... no, no, no! Your curriculum isn't a cookie cutter strategy. The information you learn dives very deep so we can get to the root of every single problem so you can apply strategies that will actually scale your business!

But guess what happens when you do this? It makes the work a tad bit harder. So you've got my 1:1 support via text 24/7 & I mean that! Whether you're stuck on something or need help with an idea, I am here for you!

Step 5: Time to implement! This is when you will apply everything you've learned with my 1:1 support!

view pricing! 

I will be straight up with you, since the curriculums are completely tailored to your business, the monthly coaching prices ranges depending on what we work on. My 1:1 curriculum coaching students spend anywhere from $500 to $1,500 a month on their program. But remember, that number varies depending on what goes into your curriculum!

Pricing is based on monthly rates, so if your package costs $725 a month, then that is a total investment of $2,175 for everything included in your coaching program: your monthly calls, 3 months of 1:1 support, and all recorded Zoom calls for you to watch back with lifetime access.

What does investment look like?

i wanna see if this is for me! :)

"The real world can be SO scary and people can be so mean. But then there's Kaylie, with her superpower of turning everything into a positive party!"


Minnesota Wedding Planner

"Kaylie cares about her clients businesses and them as people, along with their success. I felt so valued & understood, heard, seen, loved - all the good things 🤭"


NYC Wedding Photographer

"Every single time I met with Kaylie I walked away, feeling excited and inspired because she expressed those feelings during our meetings to me!"


Destination Wedding Photographer

"You have done more than I could have asked for already! Our meeting last night definitely put some logs on my fire 🏆🔥"


Mindfulness & Health Coach

this is for me!

This experience is for the small business owner who doesn't have the time to commit for a 3 month curriculum, but are still struggling with a particular area in your business. These 1:1 calls are here for you to learn about a specific topic that you need more clarity & guidance on. One time mentoring/strategy calls are designed to get you instant answers!

What can a one-time coaching call look like?

Think of these calls are more of "hey, I want to learn about (x topic), but I don't have a ton of time so can we get straight to the point?" The one-time coaching calls are designed for you to book as many as you need. So if you want to book one call to learn about email marketing then a couple months book another one for something else, we can definitely do that!


Creating a marketing strategy for your goals

Building your email list & creating campaigns

Creating a solid & convertible website funnel

Instagram marketing crash course
(IG story selling, creating content, building community)

Enhancing your client experience

Increasing your pricing & building out packages

Pinterest marketing for driving more traffic

TikTok marketing crash course
(ranking your content, keyword research, etc.)

Creating a custom digital marketing plan

Mastering discovery calls
(in depth training on sales for booking more clients)

Elevating your client to booking process
(creating a system for onboarding & offboarding)

plus 7 days of 1:1 support is included no matter what topic we cover or what package you book

one time mentoring & strategy calls



For the small business owners who want to a deeper explanation & more layers pulled back on your desired topic. This is the most popular package because it allows enough time for in depth strategizing & all your questions to be asked! The content we will cover is all based on your goals & how YOU want to use the material to grow your business!



For the small business owners who want something quick & to the point. This volume is used as more of a crash course on a particular topic you're wanting to learn more about.

This volume is great for getting right to the point, but depending on the topic, time for questions at the end may be limited.



For the small business owners who want to go at a moderate pace, but make sure all the bases are covered. If you know you need more time to digest information & typically have more questions than most people, then this package is for you! You're guaranteed to get all your Q's answered, have enough time for strategy & analysis, and of course to go at a pace you're most comfortable with!




I offer 3 different levels of 1:1 one time coaching calls! Each level is designed to go further in depth about your desired topic, depending on how much help you need in that area. No matter which package you book, you will receive a pre-call planning questionnaire so I can gather more info on what exactly you're wanting to learn & how we can successfully apply it to your business!

count me in!

If this options sounds like your cup of tea, inquire below & let's get to chattin!!

So how do you know which coaching method is the right fit for you?

Great question! I am so glad you asked! Let's compare the two!

  • For the business owners that only need help with one particular topic or area of their business

one time coaching calls

long term 1:1 coaching

  • You know you can do the work on your own & only need a little guidance & insight for right now
  • For the business owners that need a specific curriculum & individualized 1:1 assistance tailored to your exact business goals
  • You want something quick, but efficient & get instant answers on information that will scale your business
  • You need someone to keep you accountable, show you your exact steps & motivate you throughout the process
  • You're looking for a total game changer curriculum to transform your business in multiple areas

say less my girl!

  • You receive 1:1 text/voice message support for the entire 3 months
  • You receive 1:1 text/voice message support for 7 days after your call

"Kaylie made me feel like an actual person not just another object to get money from."

One of my big goals working with Kaylie was making my brand more about my personality and getting more of authenticity throughout my entire Instagram and website. We went through all of the things in depth about what I could do better and also what I was doing well! it was really nice because Kaylie never made me feel like I was doing everything wrong and she always was encouraging me to just do my best! I’ve worked with other people in the past and they make me feel like I’m doing nothing right and trying to find somebody to help further my brand I really wanted to find somebody who made me feel important and empowered and Kaylie did just that. Throughout the entire process, she checked in with me to make sure that I was feeling like I was getting enough out of what I was paying for! 

jenaya devereaux

"I started literally nowhere and without Kaylie’s help - I probably would still be no where."

I’m so glad I ended up moving forward with Kaylie! I truly didn’t know what to expect. I was just looking for someone to help me start my business. Honestly I was expecting the calls to be like “ok here’s the agenda. This is what you’re going to do. This is my advice. Ok ta ta now good luck!” But holy cow she went in depth with every subject on the agenda and provided me with techniques, feedback, samples, stories, different methods on how to be successful! It wasn’t just generic advice—but you took the time to understand my specific needs and goals, which made a HUGE difference. Having a safe space to express myself openly and honestly was incredibly valuable. YOUR willingness to listen, empathize, and provide practical advice really boosted my confidence and helped me grow. Plus, your genuine enthusiasm and celebration of my victories, no matter how small, kept me motivated!

rebecca lian

"My challenges were addressed with perfect and structured explanation!"

What stood out to me was that Kaylie asked me BEFORE the call who is my ideal clients, what are my goals, my struggles, etc so she can prepare and analyze everything which showed me how much work she puts in everyone she teaches. Kaylie stood out to me because she is super kind and not entitled, gives actionable steps and clear strategies, overdelivers on her promises, is open to covering whatever I struggle with, and she genuinely cares about her clients. Kaylie went beyond & exceeded my expectations - Kaylie didn’t just coach me to believe in myself and be consistent & confident and leave it there, but she also gave me a strategy and explained step by step everything I wanted to learn. After working with her, I felt so valued and understood, heard, seen, loved, all of the good things 🤭

anna babich

"Having constant constant communication throughout the month was a life saver! "

My business and confidence improved so much after working with Kaylie! It gave me the push I needed to promote my services online and be more confident in what I am doing. Working with Kaylie is like having a business coach, friend, and therapist all in one LOL! We covered so much every session and Kaylie was awesome about not worrying how much time our calls took. She also was so great at explaining things thoroughly and in different ways if I didn't understand certain concepts! Before working with Kaylie I didn't know how to sell my services or pitch to my clients nor was I confident in my packages. Now I learned SO MUCH about selling on social media and how to implement a story selling strategy on Instagram! I've added on 3 or 4 clients and have continued to scale financially! The biggest result is going from no discovery calls to almost 6 or 7 discovery calls in just the month of December after we finished coaching. 

bella horrocks

"Kaylie has seriously helped me grow not only my business but MYSELF since we started working together."

My coaching sessions with Kaylie exceeded my expectations! I’ve never had a business coach before and Kaylie was able and willing to answer whatever questions I had, even if I didn’t fully understand something and she was always willing to go more in depth on certain things I may have not been confident about. She was super communicative & got back to me so quickly! She is so personable with her clients & spend time showing me how to do things versus just telling me how to do them. Kaylie showed me exactly what buttons to put on my website and why. She guided me to set up my website in a way to drive SEO to my website and to funnel more clients in. We went over so many ways to do so many different things for my business!

tori poulin



Sure, going viral might give you a moment in the spotlight, but it's not a sustainable growth strategy. Building a successful business requires more than just a momentary spike in attention. It's about cultivating genuine connections, providing value consistently, and fostering long-term relationships with your audience.

Most business coaches won't tell you that sustainable growth goes beyond virality

Hear directly from previous EEC coaching clients

You're tired of not getting to where you want to go & I want to help you get there! 

âśą you recognize that you need to make a change in your business

âśą you learn best through hands on experience & personal mentoring

âśą you need someone to hold you accountable & keep you on track

âśą you need an exact blueprint with a set plan to follow

If any of this sounds like you...

Then we will work perfect together!

gotta learn more!

I am not here to promise you 10 figure months by the time we are done working together. Because I am not about the money, I am about the impact.

Is money important? Well, duh lol - we all have bills to pay! But I am here to teach you how to build sustainable growth so you can make money for YEARS to come, not just months.

Instead of chasing short-term gains, we are focusing on creating long-term value for your audience. Building a sustainable business is about delivering consistent value, solving real problems, and meeting the needs of your clients over the long haul. It's not about quick fixes or overnight success—it's about laying a solid foundation for lasting growth.

I'm not your typical "get rich quick" business coach...

I've tried implementing all the latest tips and tactics I've seen online, but I'm not seeing any real traction or growth in my business.

I lack clarity and direction in my business. I'm not sure where to focus my efforts or how to prioritize my goals for maximum impact.

I'm overwhelmed by the never-ending list of tasks and responsibilities that come with running a business. I feel like I'm constantly playing catch-up and never making any real progress.

The online space is saturated with generic advice that may not be tailored to your specific business needs or audience. Without a personalized strategy and a deep understanding of your target market, it's easy to get lost in the noise and struggle to gain traction.

Lack of clarity and direction can stem from not having a clear understanding of your target market, your unique value proposition, or your long-term vision for your business. Without a solid foundation and a roadmap for success, it's easy to feel lost and unsure of where to focus your efforts.

Receiving inquiries and new clients often requires more than just marketing efforts; it's about building trust and credibility with your audience. If you're not effectively communicating the value you offer or nurturing relationships with potential clients, you may find yourself struggling to attract new business.

If any of these common struggles hits close to home for you, then I have great news for you: you are exactly where you need to be!

I only work with a limited amount of people for 1:1 coaching because I want your goals to be at the forefront of our time working together!

No bull crap.
No gate-keeping.
No more dead ends.




Despite pouring countless hours into my marketing efforts, it's been months since I received a single inquiry or new client.

Feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a constant cycle of busyness is a common challenge for solopreneurs juggling multiple roles and responsibilities. Without clear systems in place for prioritization and time management, it's easy to get bogged down by the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of your long-term goals.
