The Elevated Education Company

Helping Service Based Business Owners Build Sustainable Growth

through all things digital marketing & sales strategies

There's a lot of BS information online about "how to grow your business" but there's one thing all that info has in common... it's not realistic nor is it a sustainable way to scale.

General tips & tricks won't work to grow your business, because your business is not general.

I help Service Providers scale & LOVE their businesses that go beyond surface level strategies

Because the reality is, most of the business education out there is a big fat load of bull crap... all of this "how I gained 10k followers in 30 days" is a load of bogus & it needs to be talked about.

It's not realistic. It's not sustainable. It's not backed by strategy.

EEC isn't about teaching you how to get rich quick... It's all about helping you build systems that set both your business & mental health up for a healthy future!

impact > everything

Hiya I'm Kaylie!!

I started my first business back in 2018 & very quickly became obsessed with the entire world of entrepreneurship.

(That business is still alive & flourishing. She's my baby.)

But I didn't get overnight success like most people. In fact I got quite the opposite lol...

But through my years of figuring out what has & hasn't worked, I realized one thing in particular that changed the game for me:

I wasn't the only one who was struggling to make the whole "running your own business" thing work. In fact, there were many other business owners out there, just like yourself, who were working very hard & hustling around the clock just for minimal results to happen.

But no matter what, I was determined to make my dreams my daily routine, and I was able to do just that.

Your shoulder to lean on during your business growth journey

more about me hehe

There's a verse in one of my favorite J. Cole songs that goes:

"The good news is, you came a long way,
The bad news is, you went the wrong way"

Meaning you can work so hard for so long, but if you end up working in the wrong direction then you're only getting further from your goals & you end up wasting time.

I am here to be transparent with you & show you every wrong turn I made so you can get straight to the good stuff!

That's why I started the Elevated Education Company

Because growing your business should be exciting with endless possibilities ahead, exhilarating as you break through your comfort zone, and fuel your drive with a deep sense of purpose & enthusiasm for what you do!

Doing all the tasks as a solopreneur is hard, there's no denying that.

But guess what? It's something that you should be so dang proud of! And I am here to support you along the way while showing you that you CAN grow a successful business while still doing the things you love!

does any of this resonate with your journey?

you're a true Go Getter, but struggle to know what your exact next steps should be to get you closer to your goals

you're getting some leads, but they're not consistent, nor are they the dream clients you're longing to work with

your ultimate goal is to turn your passions into your daily routine so you never hate a Monday ever again

ways we can work together

Do It Yourself Digital Courses

1:1 Custom Business Coaching

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Real Life Successes from People in Your Shoes

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She gained ✨CLARITY✨ in her marketing message so she can effectively communicate with her audience!

Booking clients like CRAZY after she gained the confidence to invest in herself & her business! She put that work in, had a custom strategy created & mother-freaking made it happen!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

She implemented the custom marketing strategy & plan we created for her & within 2 months she was generating inquiries at a rate she NEVER experienced before! That's the power of an effective marketing message that resonates with your audience! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Once again, another client that implemented everything we created for her & experienced a MAJOR difference in both traffic & conversions!! πŸ†

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Get instant access to 5 essential steps you need to implement to create a marketing strategy that attracts your dream clients & guides you to seeing sustainable results!