The Pinterest


The ultimate Pinterest course designed to skyrocket the reach of your small business!

get started now!

However, it's also no secret that the path to success can be challenging, demanding both your time & creativity...

Running your own business is an exhilarating journey with countless opportunities!

As a fellow small business owner myself, I understand how much you pour your heart and soul into crafting a remarkable business that changes peoples lives. I mean you really are out here giving it your all!

But amidst the hustle, have you ever wished for a way to lighten your workload without diminishing your results?

Seriously, think about it... how cool would it be if you could wave a magic wand and increase the amount of traffic your business receives AND reach your dream clients WHILE snatching back that free time you once had?!?! Sounds kinda too good to be true, huh?!?!

Does any of this sound a lil too  familar to you?

Are you tired of the never ending content creating cycle for social media?

Do you find yourself spending countless hours each week, painstakingly crafting posts & struggling to keep up with the demands of your business?

The reality is, as a business owner (especially as a service provider), your time is invaluable, and every moment spent on exhausting content creation is a moment taken away from driving your vision forward & serving your clients in the best way possible.

a platform that respects your time & launches your brand forward

more time being able to serve your clients without feeling stressed

Let's think about it for a minute together...

How many hours have you spent trying to crack the code on figuring out social media algorithms? Where did that get you?

How many sleepless nights have you spent wondering if your content will ever reach the right audience? The mental drain of constantly guessing and second-guessing can leave you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future of your business...

But what if there was a better way? What if you could break free from the time-consuming content creation grind & reclaim those precious hours for what truly matters - the growth and success of your business?

show me how!!

Pinterest is the only platform that is created to work for your content!

The Pinterest platform is literally designed to take your business through a transformative shift! Think about it like you're stepping through a portal that leads you directly to the results you want!

Pinterest is not a social media platform, it's a search engine. So with each Pin you post, you unlock the potential for endless opportunities for your business!

Your content is always at the forefront with Pinterest marketing. Putting your posts directly in front of your ideal clients coming to the platform to search for a problem that you have the solution for!

it's time to put your content in front of your ideal clients

reach an additional few hundred thousand people each month!!!

over 400 million people use Pinterest each month

this is why it's so easy to increase your brand awareness by thousands

people on pinterest spend 40% more each month

your ideal clients are more likely to purchase from you when they find you on Pinterest

80% of weekly users discover a new product or brand

Pinterest works with you, not against you, I mean it's literally steroids for your brand visibility

pov: you actually took Pinterest seriously & get results like this...

the           sky           is

with pinterest marketing

The Limit

the     sky     is

the pinterest powerhouse


An online Pinterest marketing course created to empower your small business & put you directly in front of your dream clients!

Say goodbye to the vicious cycle of creating content that doesn't convert & guess work on algorithms... Pinterest is here to change the game for your small business marketing strategy!

Are you ready to unlock untapped potential by captivating your audience & driving traffic to your business like never seen before?!

(I hope you said yes, or this is going to be awkward...)


The Pinterest Powerhouse is designed to do exactly as it sounds...

This Pinterest marketing course is here to help you harness the power of Pinterest so you can uncover a treasure trove of untapped potential clients eagerly seeking the services you offer!

But no, I'm not stopping there...

The Pinterest Powerhouse goes beyond the basics... providing you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the platform for success! From understanding Pinterest's SEO algorithm (search engine optimization) to creating convertible & valuable pins that your dream clients are craving... this course has covered all the bases.

Guiding you step-by-step, empowering you to master the art of Pinterest marketing!!!

Let's take a look at some key differences together, shall we?

❌ the average small business owner spends 8-10 hours creating social media content each week... that's almost 40 hours a month... YIKES

❌ social media algorithms are constantly changing... requiring both your time & creativity to burn out just to keep up with guessing on algorithms

❌ favor their platform over their competitors so they purposefully make it hard to repurpose your content without having to spend extra time to tweak it

❌ your content is posted on social media with the HOPES of it reaching the right people, but there really ins't a guarantee that it will reach your ideal clients


✅ only requires 1-2 hours of your time a month so you can focus more on serving your clients & snatching back your time to relax & take a breather

✅ the Pinterest platform works FOR you, not against you & always has your content's best interest in mind so you can maximize your time spent marketing

✅ allows you to repurpose your existing content with the opportunity to reach an additional few hundred thousand people each month

✅ guarantees that your content will end up in front of the right people by utilizing key word research so your content is backed by real statistics from users


here's a glimpse of what you will learn

aka... what you're missing out on

Welcome to the course, tour of the platform, and an overview!

Learning objectives & outcomes

module 1: the intro

What is Pinterest?

Understanding the importance of Pinterest for your business

Terminology & definitions

Creating your business account

module 2: getting started - basics

Navigating the platform

Utilizing the advantages of Pinterest

SEO in Pinterest & how to do keyword research to optimize & rank your content

How to create content & write copy that converts your Pinterest audience

module 3: understanding pinterest as a whole

How to drive traffic to other areas in your business to convert your audience

(this is where you will learn how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website, blog posts, other social media accounts, your offers, build your email list, etc.)

module 6: driving traffic

A full in depth tutorial on how to batch your pins with Tailwind

(you will learn exactly how to batch your Pins for the entire month by only spending a couple hours -- this tutorial will help you maximize your reach by putting in the least amount of work)

module 7: how to use tailwind

module 8: studying your analytics

Goals with your content

Different types of pins to create

Using Canva to create your pins

Step by step: uploading your pins

How to repurpose your existing content

module 5: creating your pins

How to study your Pinterest analytics

How to tweak & adjust your strategy based off your previous performance (how to make sure you're maximizing your results & time)

Profile optimization for SEO

How to create your boards

module 4: optimizing your profile

pinterest allows you to

see results with only 1-2 hours of work a month

put your content directly in front of your ideal clients

extend your content's lifespan to save you time

increase the traffic being sent to your other platforms

repurpose 85% of your existing content from other platforms

So it's looking like you've got 3 options to choose from...

Whether or not you think you're ready to invest in the Pinterest course yet, let's take a look at some different outcomes for your future

Option 1: You can continue to spend countless hours each week creating content with the help of crossing your fingers it reaches your ideal clients. This will require more time & energy from your life.

Option 2: You can do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you're at right now. You won't experience growth or change.

Option 3: You choose to get ahead of your competition by harnessing the power of Pinterest marketing so you can get off the never ending hamster wheel of constant content creation.

Of these three options, what's going to be easier for you?

option 3 for me!!!

but how

is the

pinterest powerhouse

different than any


I am going to be fully transparent with you here...

I have been exactly where you're at right now: exhausted, tired of creating content that goes no where, and eager to work with dream clients that value your services. My list of "what I would do differently if I could do it over again" is so long, it hurts. My #1 goal for this course is to provide you with the exact solution to your problems so you can have more time & energy to pour into your client experience & in your own personal life.

here's how the pinterest powerhouse course not just your average pinterest course on the block:

✅ I am not holding ANYTHING back from you. When you invest in this course, you're getting all the secrets that I have learned in my 7 years of using Pinterest.

✅ As time goes on, some concepts will become more technologically advanced, so the course content will constantly be evolving & staying up to date on the latest Pinterest info!

✅ This course is designed to be completed at your own pace. You have access to the ALL modules ALL the time so you can complete it whenever works best for your schedule. And guess what? Your access to the course never expires.




different than


other course?

Get instant access to life changing results for your business!

Ready to jump off the hamster wheel of constant content creation burnout? I sure was. The decision to make a change is in your hands. Don't let your hard work go un-rewarded. Are you ready to step into the realm where every Pin is a possibility?!


The Pinterest Powerhouse

☑️ One Time Payment of $148 USD
☑️ 6 Monthly Payments of $35 USD

Payment Options:

but wait... there's more?

Phew, that was a lot of information at once, huh?

Let's take a moment to reflect together...

Social media is mentally exhausting, requires too much of your time & creativity, and is always changing just when you get the hang of it.

But remember in the Wizard of Oz when the characters wanted to get to Emerald City to have their dreams and hopes fulfilled? They were told to follow the Yellow Brick Road. Which guided them on their journey. It represents strategy, aka the path you take to accomplish your goal, aka the smart way.

That's exactly what the purpose of the Pinterest Powerhouse is! It's goal is to serve as your strategy just like the Yellow Brick Road did in the Wizard of Oz. It's here to be your ultimate guide so you can kiss your struggles goodbye.

i gotta snag this!

i'm an open book & here for all your questions!

How long will I get access to the course for?

When you purchase the online course, you will get lifetime access! As long as the course still exists, you will always be able to log in & access all of the course!

Will this course work for my business? How do I know if this course can help for my industry specifically?

This course is designed for any service based business owner! No matter what your niche is, the Pinterest Powerhouse can help you with your Pinterest marketing!

What happens if there are updates made to the Pinterest platform? Will I get updates?

You bet you will! Pinterest (as many other platforms) are always changing & releasing new tools, so I will be constantly updating this course with any & all updates Pinterest releases in the future!

Soooo how long will the Pinterest Powerhouse take to complete?

Only YOU have the answer to that question! There are 9 modules that contain a total of 21 lessons. Whether you're a stay at home mom or work a 9-5, the Pinterest Powerhouse is designed to be completed at your own pace!

I have zero Pinterest experience, will this course be able to benefit me?

A big fat YES! The course breaks down literally every little aspect about how to utilize Pinterest (see above for the curriculum break down on what it goes over) & dives DEEP on every detail!

How much time do I need to spend on Pinterest marketing? My time is a lil limited...

Are you ready for this answer...? Only 1-2 hours A MONTH. Yeah, I'm serious. Forget spending hours each week on social media marketing... this course is literally here to show you exactly how to get results with only 1-2 hours of your time each month!

get instant access to the pinterest powerhouse today!

I did my part & gave you all the info you need to take the next step for your business with Pinterest! Are you ready to invest in your future & begin this journey together? Don't let time slip away from you any longer.